Saturday, February 18, 2012

Twitter To Full Speed - Blog 5

    Last weekend I had the pleasure of going to the AFLV central conference as a representative for UNT’s Greek Life with the rest of the Panhellenic executive officers. Up until this point I had only heard about how important Twitter is and how important it is for us to learn it and use its full potential. This weekend I was able to see first hand how cool it is and how it can be used. I really wished I had a smart phone so I could participate in the Twitter frenzy.

    The conference actually asked us to tweet all our thoughts and participate with them throughout the conference by tweeting to the hashtags of #AFLV and #CFLNBGLC and the individual hashtags for each break out session. My only experience with Twitter that far was only a classroom experience. I just recently, as in this semester, got myself an account and used it solely for my class.
Example of AFLV hashtag use.
Example of AFLV hashtag use.
Example of AFLV hashtag use.

    After this weekend though I have found myself spending much more time on it and really enjoying it. I know now how important it is and see the potential for it in a PR world and for every company/organization out there. The conference tweeted room locations for each break out session or any important information that the people attending the conference could possibly need. I really liked the updates AFLV gave through it regarding times of events and weather updates. They even tweeted when and where the free giveaways were. I was lucky enough to be traveling with people who were able to keep my updated throughout the trip but I felt really left out when everyone was getting freebies when they retweeted or used the hashtag. It was really cool to see AFLV trending in St. Louis.

    It was well incorporated into the entire weekend conference and a great way to stay involved and know what was happening. I now see the importance and usability for Twitter. This is one bandwagon I’m happy I jumped on. If you have any doubts about Twitter put them to rest because it really is the new way.


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