My sister has shared her love for chevron print with me and with my new found love for chevron I decided to paint some end tables I had. I'm moving to a new apartment at the end of the week and wanted to change up my decor a bit. Right now my decor is basically free things my siblings and friends have given me, but I wanted my new place's vibe to actually be planned. So I thought why not try out chevron.
I had two old Ikea tables that a former boss gave me. Some of the paint was chipping away so I decided to scrape the paint. BAD IDEA! My dad later let me know that you shouldn't scrape paint off compressed wood, but instead use a chemical paint remover. OOPS!
I bought a few cans of white spray paint that had primer mixed in. The primer mix is really important. I also bought a dual spray paint that was black + primer. And don't forget your painters tape.
I sprayed the top and the edges white first. That took a lot of coats to make it even. [I didn't take a picture because I forgot sorry.]
After the white paint was dried I taped off the chevron design with painters tape. My first table came out better because I went over the tape with a card making sure the tape was really sealed. I didn't want any of the black paint getting under the tape. So I strongly suggest doing this because it will suck if you find out the tape wasn't pressed and sealed perfectly. Trust me!
I then sprayed over it with my dual black + primer spray paint. I decided to spray the edges black because I like black better. It's my personal preference so it is up to you.
After the black was dried I pealed off the tape and voila my table is now chevron print. I did have to go back over with a small paint brush and touch up a few places where the tape was covering part of the edges. But I thought it turned out pretty great.
My sister said the legs needed to be white and my dad said they should be black. Basically the legs needed to be one of the two colors and not a third color. I decided black because my new sofa would be white and I didn't want too much white. Also I just like black better.
So when I painted my second table I sprayed the legs black when I was spraying over the tape. And this is why I said earlier to make sure the tape is sealed, because I didn't with this second table and I wasn't as happy with the results. The black paint spread under the tape and when I took it off I was very annoyed. I had to go over almost all of it with a paint brush! The lines didn't come out as sharp as the first one. I did however like the legs painted. But basically if I get really bored and have the time I might just redo it if I decide to keep these end tables for a while longer.
The last step I did was seal the paint. Once they had dried for a good time I used mod podge. I use mod podge for everything, and I didn't feel like going to the store for something else. My little brother works with wood and he said it would be fine. Now the stores also have a sealer for wood if you want that instead. But I just wanted something that wouldn't make the paint chip and would keep it from peeling. But the more official stuff would probably be better and last longer. Think about if people put cups on the surface and what not.
I bought all my stuff from Walmart because it made it easier than going to different stores. And I like that at Walmart the spray paint is right there, but other stores have it behind a locked glass case and I can never find a worker to open it for me.
I like my tables and for my first big paint project all by myself I think they turned out great. Not to mention I can say I made them and even if someone else makes some too, mine are one of a kind. Share your own photos if you have and chevron projects or if you have tips to make them better!
Happy crafting!
next time, spray the legs WHITE! ;-) All white is cute, not bland. And next time seal it with a wax or polycrylic spray. Can't wait to see this, chevron loving twin!