I'm taking a May-mester this summer and as you can guess it is really hot in the best state in America. I have naturally long curly hair with layers, needless to say that sometimes it is hard to do anything with it. I can either do frizzy curls or frizzy attempted straight.
I like to wear my hair in fun ways that will stay the whole day so I don't have to keep messing with it. As a kid I loved pigtails, but now as a young adult I don't want to look too young with normal pigtails and just normal braids can get boring. [I don't know how to french braid on myself.]
I found this hair style in Seventeen Magazine that was so cute and wanted to try it and share it with others. Mine did come out different than the magazine but still cute! [Just goes to show that the magazine suggested styles are done by professionals.] Mine is an easy DIY style.
I personally prefer to have my hair straightened [not perfectly] but not curly. It makes it less tangled and easier to deal with because of the layers.
1. Split your hair in two as if you were going to secure the hair in regular pigtails. [Don't worry about the part having to be perfect. This should be a fun style and it isn't the 90s so no one cares about the perfect part.]
2. Secure one tail so you can work on the other tail.
3. Split one tail into two equal parts.
4. Tie the two strands in a knot. [Like you would tie a shoelace knot.] Make sure you pull tight.

5. Repeat Step 4 until your preferable length is all tied into knots.
6. Secure the pigtail at the end of the knots with an elastic band. [I like to use the clear ones that can be found at Target.]
{How much hair you leave left over at the end is up to you.}
7. Repeat Steps 3-6 for the other tail. [You can see that the unknotted tail is much longer than the tail with knots. This is how mine is different than the magazine's.]
Now that both tails are knotted up and cute, you are ready for the day. I received so many compliments on them today at school and now am ready to go chill at the pool not having to worry about redoing and redoing my hair.
You can dress this hair style up with any cute hat. I like to get my hats from Forever 21. {Really fun part is that since it makes my hair look shorter more people notice and freak out wondering if I cut it. I love that I can have super long hair but do styles that make it look short.}
Enjoy! Share your pictures if you try it!
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